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Using GPS To Fight A Traffic Ticket

How To Use GPS Data To Fight Speeding Tickets

Have you ever felt annoyed after seeing those flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror? We all admire and respect the essential role police officers play in our society. Their daily sacrifices to maintain our safety are truly commendable. Yet, a twinge of frustration often accompanies traffic citations, whether for speeding or illegal turns. With officers using sophisticated tech like radar guns to track vehicle speed, it may seem like there’s no defense. But did you know that the same kind of technology can help you contest traffic citations? Many motorists are now leveraging GPS navigation and tracking systems to fight tickets, whether through a trial by declaration or a court trial. This trend is turning the tables in the courtroom, transforming the way we approach traffic violations. In this article, we will discuss how to use GPS data to fight speeding tickets!

Video: 6 Ways How to Use GPS Data to Fight Speeding Tickets

When GPS Misguides You: Are Police Sympathetic to Tech Errors?

Ever made a wrong turn because your GPS told you to? You’re not alone. Many motorists find themselves in this predicament, pulled over for moving violations, often claiming, “My GPS made me do it”. Relying heavily on GPS navigation, either through portable units or smartphone apps like Google Maps or iMaps, is an everyday routine for many. But how reliable are these systems?

Sadly, even highly-rated apps can lead you astray. Remember when iMaps notoriously directed drivers to the wrong locations or even one-way streets? Such mistakes have happened more times than you might imagine. But what happens when these inaccuracies cause you to make an illegal turn? Who bears the blame?

Even when your trusted app fumbles, you, as the motorist, carry the responsibility for the final decision. Sounds unfair, right? Yet, that’s how it stands. Yes, police may sympathize with the occasional GPS-induced mishap, but accountability doesn’t shift. At the end of the day, it’s the driver who’s held responsible.

Ever wonder what police officers think of these GPS blunders? One anonymous officer shared, “As drivers, we’ve all got a myriad of excuses. But the bottom line is, the person behind the wheel is accountable. Remember, it’s not the smartphone or GPS that holds the driver’s license.”

Want to avoid a ticket? It’s not about passing the blame but accepting accountability. Believe it or not, officers tend to be more lenient towards drivers who own up to their mistakes rather than blaming their GPS or tracking device. Interesting, isn’t it?

How To Prove To Police You Weren’t Speeding

Do you realize how commonplace GPS tracking devices are in today’s vehicles? More than ever, they’re becoming a staple in both company and personal cars. These devices aren’t just ornamental; they play a crucial role in improving vehicle theft protection and driver safety. Additionally, they’re an attractive bonus for those eyeing an auto insurance discount.

But have you ever thought of using your GPS device to contest a speeding ticket? More and more drivers are doing just that. Why? Because these trackers do more than just provide location data. They record your speed, location, and journey duration – all in real time and with a stunning accuracy that refreshes every single second!

Impressed? There’s more. You’d be surprised to learn that these devices may even outperform the traditional radar gun held by a police officer. Calibration issues, interference from highway overpasses, or the officer’s hiding spot could all affect the radar gun’s accuracy. Meanwhile, your GPS tracker’s data remains precise and reliable. Who knew GPS technology could be your unexpected ally in a speeding dispute?

Related Article: Best GPS Trackers For Law Enforcement

5 Ways To Use GPS Tracking To Fight A Speeding Ticket

Getting a speeding ticket absolutely sucks. But you know what’s worse? Getting a ticket when you weren’t actually driving over the posted speed limit. Thankfully, GPS tracking can help. In this section, we will discover some innovative ways your tracking device can help fight your corner. Below are 5 ways your GPS system can help with contesting a speeding violation.

  1. Proof of Speed: Your GPS device diligently records your speed at every moment of your journey. This detailed log can provide concrete evidence of your speed at the exact time the alleged violation took place.
  2. Route Verification: Were you on a different road when the incident occurred? Your GPS tracker traces your route with precision. Its data could demonstrate you were elsewhere when the offense allegedly happened.
  3. Time-Stamped Data: All GPS data is time-stamped, making it easy to correlate your location, speed, and the time of the alleged violation. This accurate chronology could prove essential in disputing a ticket.
  4. Calibration Check: In contrast to a police officer’s radar gun, which could suffer from calibration issues, your GPS device provides a more accurate and consistent measure of speed. Use this precision to challenge the reliability of the speed detected by the radar gun.
  5. Data Log Persistence: Most GPS car trackers keep a history of their data. This historical log can help to establish a pattern of safe driving, potentially increasing your credibility in the courtroom.

By integrating these strategies, your GPS device can become a powerful tool in your defense against a speeding ticket


Can GPS Tracking Data Be Used As Evidence In A Traffic Court Hearing?

Yes, GPS tracking data can be used as evidence in a traffic court hearing. If you have a GPS tracking device installed in your vehicle or have a GPS-enabled smartphone, the data collected by these devices can be used to prove your innocence or cast doubt on the accusations against you. However, it’s important to note that the admissibility of GPS evidence may vary depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances of the case.

How Can GPS Tracking Data Help In Disputing A Traffic Ticket?

GPS tracking data can help in disputing a traffic ticket by providing a record of your vehicle’s location and speed at the time of the alleged violation. This data can be used to prove that you were not in the location where the violation supposedly occurred or that you were not driving at the speed that you were accused of. Additionally, GPS data can also provide information about traffic patterns and road conditions that may have contributed to the violation.

What Types Of Traffic Violations Can GPS Data Be Used To Dispute?

GPS tracking data can be used to dispute a variety of traffic violations, including speeding tickets, red light violations, and stop sign violations. GPS data can also be used to dispute accusations of reckless driving, DUI, and other serious traffic offenses.

Matthew Henson
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